This March, Family Service Association is celebrating its Senior Nutrition Program and its impact throughout Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. FSA serves nearly one million meals each year across the region, and that number continues to grow. In addition to the nutritious food provided, we also foster community. For most older adults, the program helps build friendships, connections, and even a second chance at love. This month, we are sharing our participants’ stories and their motive for attending a senior center.
Second Chance at Love
Senior Nutrition Centers have been proven to be beneficial and vital for seniors. From providing meals and community, to a second chance at love, our senior centers provide opportunities to build healthy lives. Sebastian and Frances are a key example of how Senior Nutrition Centers are essential to those FSA serves. Sebastian sported a sparkly red jacket eager for the music to start at Family Service Association’s Bloomington Valentine’s Day event. He proudly shared that his girlfriend, Frances, was the one who gifted it to him, while she matched in her red blouse. They met at the Redlands Senior Center’s dance four years ago which sparked their friendship. After a few months, they began to date and have been happily together since. They were hand in hand the entire event, with large smiles on their faces. They have attended several different Senior Centers throughout San Bernardino County, and shared how it has really allowed them to find community with other seniors who are also searching for a space to experience activities and form friendships. Sebastian, who is 91 years of energy, loved discussing all the great events him and Francis have attended, from karaoke and bingo, to being crowned King and Queen of the Rialto Senior Center’s Dance. The way they admire each other is inspiring, and none of this would have been possible without Nutrition Centers like FSA’s, which provide seniors safe spaces to form meaningful relationships.
Seen Above: Sebastian and Francis at the Bloomington Senior Center on Valentine’s Day.
From Strangers to Friends
One of the many highlights of being able to visit a local Senior Nutrition Center is seeing the positive impact it has on the seniors. Jose (67), Ernst (70), and Pete (84) sat at the same table, enjoying their lunches together and enjoying conversation. While it was their first time meeting each other, they seemed to be old friends. They had each been attending the Senior Nutrition Centers for different lengths, Pete’s first visit was in 2013, Jose’s was in 2019 right before the pandemic, and it was Ernst’s second visit. All three of these gentlemen had positive things to say about the Senior Nutrition Program. The two Senior Nutrition veterans, Jose and Pete, would agree the program has improved since the pandemic. These men exchanged many different stories, such as what they wanted to be as children and Ernst and Jose’s arrival to this country as immigrants when they were kids, to their common appreciation of the Senior Nutrition Centers. While this may be their only encounter, they had the opportunity to socialize, engage in conversation and meet new friends through the program.
Rosie Valdez, who is 71 years young, has been a resident in Bloomington, California since 1977. She enjoys attending Senior Centers because they provide a safe space where she can socialize, engage with other seniors, and form new friendships. While it was only her third visit to the Bloomington location, she has been attending a few different Senior Nutrition Sites throughout San Bernardino County (Colton, Rialto and Fontana). “The staff and people here are so kind and helpful. I like that I get a chance to make friends instead of being alone at home” Rosie stated. She shared that at every one of her visits to a site, she has been able to meet new friends and participate in activities that she enjoys. Her favorite events are where she is able to dress up and wear hats, as they allow her to feel extra special.