Box Springs CDC — Family Service Association

Here you can find the Family Handbook for more information:

Family Handbook

Building Moments with Moreno Valley Child Development Center

Moreno Valley Child Development Center is rated a Tier 4 out of 5 possible in the Riverside County Quality Start-Quality Rating Improvement System.

For our community’s families Moreno Valley Child Development Center offers the following programs:

• Full-Day Care for ages 3 months to 3 years

Ask our Director, Sharmalee Samuel at: (951) 387-8793 if you qualify for our Low to No Cost Full Day Care Program. Fees are based on sliding scale options.

Please contact: (951) 779-9784 for more information.

Moreno Valley Child Development Center is located at:

21250 Box Springs Rd. Suite 115 Moreno Valley, Ca 92557

Please email the following application to for eligibility:

Eligibility Application (English)

Eligibility Application (Spanish)